A major problem in oil extraction and line transporting is the buildup of paraffin, restricting the flow. Production volumes are based on the amount of flow achieved through any given pipeline in a given amount of time. Hot oil, pigging and chemicals have been the accepted means of controlling paraffin deposition in the past. Now Ener-Tec introduces the Petro-Flow Electromagnetic Fluid Stabilization System which stabilizes the oil, keeping the paraffin in solution.
Since the development of the system we have observed the following additional benefits:
- Reduce or eliminate the need for chemicals and greatly reduce cleaning and downtime of oil pipelines and pumps.
- Increase the amount of barrels pumped per day (reports of an additional 60 BPD!!!)
- No inline obstructions from unit!
- Increases water/oil separation to less than .5% in most installations.
- Meets all EPA requirements!
- Self monitoring and requires no maintenance.
- UL & CSA approved!
- Increase work safety records by eliminating the need to handle and store dangerous chemicals.
- 1 year performance guarantee.
- 5 year product guarantee.
The LKC system is also being used in oil/water separation eliminating the demulsifier previously used. One customer was spending $5,500.00 a year on demulsifiers before replacing it with the LKC system. They were getting 8% water carry over in the oil before LKC was installed. Now they have a .4% carry over after activating the LKC.
The LKC lowers the energy and surface tension that bonds the water and oil atoms/molecules to each other allowing a more efficient separation.